What is Flight Levels® Flight Levels Introduction The 3 Flight Levels® The 5 Activities of Flight Levels®
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what is Flight Levels?

Wondering how or why you would use Flight Levels?

Digital and Agile transformations, tend to focus on the individuals and teams and too little on the interactions between them.
This usually creates friction, frustration and seldom much improvement.
Flight Levels will help you to focus on important matters.

Establish the Missing Links between Strategy and Operational Agility.

Team agility is not business agility!

Business Agility is no team sport,
it is company sport!!

4 common problems of our clients

So many Dependencies – We are constantly waiting on other Teams!

All Teams are agile, but customer delivery still takes ages!

Priority is constantly shifting! We have more work than capacity. It is hard to know what is really important!

We want to become agile! But we still make waterfall style plans for the change!

Think of organisation as 3 Levels of interrelated goals:

Level 1: Operations

Teams and individuals, where the work gets delivered, the product made and customers helped.

Level 2: Coordination

Connecting them is Level 2 – Coordination. Between the Levels, and across the teams.

Level 3: Strategy

At the top of Guiding us we have Strategy. The direction and priority of the company.

Read more in our Knowledge base for example – The 5 Activities of Flight Levels and The 3 Flight Levels

Flight Levels helps you

Understand and manage your flow, between teams
Connect your levels to each other, creating a shared focus
Keep the collective focus on delivering your Company Strategy

as a result, you can…

See your capacity in real-time. With appropriate detail on each level.
Measure the outcomes, not just outputs, and gauge progress towards Strategic Goals.
Teams can see how operational work connects to strategy. Leaders see how Strategy connects to Reality.

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