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Flight Levels Professional Ann-Katrin Arndt
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Badge: Flight Levels Professional®
Flight Levels Professional®
Ann-Katrin Arndt
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Workshop Sticker FLINFLIN Accreditation
About Ann-Katrin
I've spent over a decade in the agile field, working with companies of various sizes where I gained valuable insights into different organizational structures and dynamics. With a passion for understanding how individuals can collaborate effectively, I am dedicated to fostering transparent and authentic work environments. Empathy is my compass in this journey.

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The Flight Levels Professional Membership
Join an exclusive network that empowers you to reshape organizations and elevate careers with the Flight Levels approach. As a coach, consultant, or internal leader, the Flight Levels Professional Membership gives you the tools and recognition to thrive and lead in your field.
Workshop Sticker FLPP
The Flight Levels Professional Program
Your gateway into the professional world of Flight Levels. Become a recognized expert and learn how to guide organizations t o peak performance using the Flight Levels approach.